Lightning Brand Launch

Launch your BRAND and WEBSITE in just 5 business days

A simple, PROVEN process

Access the Brand LookBook

Get access to the curated Brand LookBook™.

Choose the Brand Foundation that best aligns with your business.


Strategize & customize

We’ll schedule your LBL week , prep and kickoff your brand and web customizations then!

It moves quick, but don’t worry! My proprietary LBL process makes it smooth like buttah.


Launch the brand experience of your dreams

In 5 business days, you get a full Brand Suite + 4 website pages, customized to you and ready to launch.


What’s included

Brand Suite

Everything you need to launch your brand confidently  


  • Primary and secondary logos

  • Supporting brand marks

  • Brand pattern

  • Notecard/postcard design

  • Business card design

  • Sticker/stamp design

  • 5 curated high-res images

  • Instagram highlight templates

  • Social media profile templates

  • 3 social media templates (carousel and story sized)

  • Link to font files for purchase

  • Brand style guide

  • One round of revisions on your proof (don’t worry I’m a pro!)

Web Design

A website built for your brand, ready to convert


  • Home, Services, About & Contact pages styled and customized to your new brand and business needs

  • Copywriting for 4 above pages

  • Desktop and mobile optimized website strategically built to convert

Bonus Pages

  • Custom post-inquiry thank you page

  • Custom 404 page

  • Custom IG links page

Everything you need to launch with CONFIDENCE

Help Video Tutorials

  • Customized website video walk-throughs
    Walk-through video so you can customize and manage your website stress-free

  • Canva website tutorials
    Resources and tutorials so you can set up, use, and manage your Canva assets with ease

Customized Squarespace Website

  • Stylish design
    That feels completely custom on a non-custom budget

  • Built for all devices
    Responsive design = majorly mobile friendly

Resources, Recommendations & Savings

  • 20% off Squarespace Annual Plan
    By working with me you save 20% off when you purchase an annual Business plan with Squarespace

  • Canva optimized
    Easily manage and update your brand and web assets with a Pro Canva account

  • Extended options
    Want to add to your website or brand experience? Not ready to launch after 5 days? No problem. Add-on to your LBL package anytime

SEO Optimized Website

  • Custom title, meta-data and cover image
    Thoughtfully chosen by best position your website for search engines

  • Faster performance
    Using properly compressed images

  • Readability
    Design layout built for storytelling, conversion and findability with search engines

  • Custom 404 page
    Keeps visits on your site longer + guidance on how to update

Lightning Brand Launch


Need additional pages?

Blog Package

  • Blog landing page

  • Detail page

  • Homepage callout

  • $1000

Portfolio Package

  • Portfolio landing page

  • Detail page

  • Homepage callout

  • $1000

Podcast Package

  • Podcast landing page

  • Detail page

  • Homepage callout

  • $1000

Lightning launch is perfect for you if…

You want to launch your brand and website in a matter of days, not months

It’s time to take your business to the level you’ve been dreaming of

You’re all in on investing in your business and yourself

You’re ready to show up like the ceo you already are


  • Let’s talk. Maybe what you need is a brand update and a styled template which can be accommodated!

  • No worries! We’ll keep your existing site live until we’re ready to launch your new site. I have a process to ensure a website is always up and running even through a domain transfer.

  • Squarespace Costs

    With your new website you will need to purchase a Business Plan. However, you get 30% off your first year if you pay annually simply because we worked together! You can view the plan pricing here.

    Domain (URL)

    You will also need a Domain (URL). You will likely qualify for a free Domain through Squarespace with your yearly subscription.

    Visual Assets

    All visual assets can be edited with Canva which offers a free account option. Depending on the template, you may need to upgrade to 'Canva Pro' (a paid version of Canva) for best results. We recommend using the 30 day free trial of this upgrade.

    We have tutorials on how to use the above programs for your template to edit your graphics, and set up your site so don’t worry if you’ve never used them before!

  • Nope! All of our templates are built so you don’t have to touch code (hardly) at all, and if you do, I have a step-by-step on how to do so.

    But because I’m styling your template for you, the chances of you needing to ever touch code are slim to none!

  • Yes! Our templates have a separate mobile editor, meaning that the template comes with a completely custom mobile design, and you have full control over it.

  • Yes! We have free email support included with your purchase. We also offer an ‘extra support’ paid service if you need assistance with something extra.

    Also, Squarespace has great live chat and email support.

I’m ready to CATAPULT my business